Betul Çotuksöken
Maltepe University, Faculty of Science and Letters,
Marmara Eğitim Köyü, 34857 Maltepe-Istanbul, Turkey
tel. (+90) 216-626-1050/2238, tel. (+90) 532-691-6548
fax (+90) 216-626-1113; e-mail: betulc[at]
Betul Çotuksöken graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Philosophy in 1972. She got her Ph. D. degree with a thesis on Abelard’s conception of Ethics in Istanbul University in 1984. She became associate professor in 1988 and full professor in 1996. She worked as a faculty member at the Department of Philosophy of Istanbul University from 1982 until 2000 and she is now working at Maltepe University Faculty of Arts and Sciences. She is Vice-President of the Philosophical Society of Turkey. Her areas of interest are medieval philosophy, philosophy of language, meta-philosophy, the philosophical foundations of human rights and ethics. She is also the author, editor and translator of two dozen books. Her original books: Petrus Abelardus’un Ahlak Anlayisi (Abelard’s Conception of Ethics, 1988), Metinlerle Ortaçagda Felsefe with Saffet Babür (Philosophy in the Middle Ages, with texts, 1989), Felsefi Söylem Nedir? (What is Philosophical Discourse? 1991), Ortaçag Yazilari (Papers on Medieval Philosophy, 1993), Felsefeyi Anlamak Felsefe ile Anlamak (To Understand Philosophy, To Understand through Philosophy, 1995), Nermi Uygur’un Felsefe Dünyasindan Kesitler (Fragments of the Philosophical World of Nermi Uygur, 1995), Kavramlara Felsefe ile Bakmak (Looking at Concepts through Philosophy, 1998), Cumhuriyet Döneminde Türkiye'de Ögretim ve Arastirma Alani Olarak Felsefe. Seçilmis Metinlerle (Philosophy in Turkey as a Teaching and Research Field in the Republican Period. With Selected Texts, 2001), Felsefe: Özne-Söylem (Philosophy: Subject-Discourse, 2002), Radyoda Felsefe (Philosophy in Radio, 2002), Insan Haklari ve Felsefe (Human Rights and Philosophy, 2010), Ortaçag Yazilari (Papers on Medieval Philosophy, Expanded and revised new edition, 2011).