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Fabrizia Giuliani

Department of Modern Language and Literature

Dip. di Lettere e Culture Moderne – LCM – Sapienza Università di Roma, Piazzale Aldo Moro n.5, 00195 Roma, Italy.

tel. (+39) 339-4594112; e-mail: fabrizia.giuliani[at]

Fabrizia Giuliani is a Professor of Philosophy of Language and Gender Studies at Sapienza University, where I received my bachelor’s and doctoral degrees. I have been a Visiting Graduate Student and Fulbright Fellow at Harvard University.

I’ve taught at various universities in Italy, including Ferrara, Cosenza, and Siena, where I served as the Rector’s delegate for equal opportunity. Beyond Italy, I’ve given invited lectures in Boston, Brussels, Utrecht, Berlin, Paris, and Tokyo and I was a member of the Executive Committee of the XXV World Congress of Philosophy.


My research focuses on semantics, speech acts, the relationship between ethics and philosophy of language, women’s studies, gender studies, and the history of philosophy. I collaborate with national and international scientific journals such as "Rivista Italiana di Filosofia,” “Aesthetica Preprint,” “Nuovi Argomenti,” “Bollettino della società filosofica,” “Diogène,” “Blytiri,” and “Paradigmi.” Since 2022, I have been a columnist for the Italian newspaper "La Stampa" and also write for the cultural supplement, “The Review”. Among my works are: "Espressione ed éthos: il linguaggio nella filosofia di Benedetto Croce" (2002), "Il Logos nella Polis" (2008 “Includere o esprimere, come (e perchè) le donne hanno cambiato la lingua” (2024).


From 2013 to 2018, I was a Member of Parliament elected with the Democratic Party, serving on the Justice Commission and as Speaker for the main laws against gender-based and domestic violence. Since 2022 I coordinate the Technical and Scientific Committee of the National Observatory on Violence against Women.

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