João J. Vila-Chã

Email: j.vila-cha[at]>
Vila-Chã, João J. – Studied Philosophy and Theology in Portugal (1982-1987), Germany (1987-1991) and the United States (1991-1997) and concluded his PhD. in Renaissance Philosophy at Boston College in 1998 with a Thesis on Leone Ebreo and the Intelligibility of Love. From 1998-2008 taught History of Contemporary Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion at the Catholic University of Portugal and since 2008 is Professor of Social and Political Philosophy at the Pontifical Gregorian University, in Rome (Italy). Director/Editor-in-Chief of the Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia (2000-2009) and member of the Editorial Board of journals such as Concilium (2012-2019), Síntese (Brasil), and Pensamiento (Spain). President of the European Association of Jesuit Professors of Philosophy (2002-2008) and President of the Conférence Mondiale des Institutions Catholiques Universitaires de Philosophie (COMIUCAP, 2013-2022). Since 2011, Vice-President of the Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (U.S.A.) and Director of the Post-Graduate International Seminar that the Council offers yearly to chosen Scholars from different parts of the world. Member of the Senate of the Pontificia Università Gregoriana in Rome (2010-2018). Recipient of the International Karl-Otto Apel Prize for Philosophy (2017).